Civic Engagement
Civic Engagement
Judea Reform Congregation maintains a strong commitment to civic engagement and voting, as a civic and Jewish value of our congregation.
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We recall the prophet Jeremiah who wrote during the exile to Babylonia that we are to engage deeply in the communities where we find ourselves. We are committed to sacred & civil dialogue, voting rights, and we believe that democracy is strongest when everyone participates.
JRC Ongoing Civic Engagement Initiatives
Voter Engagement
Every Voice, Every Vote. We join in the efforts of the Religious Action Coalition of the URJ for great opportunities small and large to become involved in making sure votes can be made and counted!
Teen Activism
L’Taken Advocacy. The Union for Reform Judaism invites all Jewish high school students to join L’Taken. We know that even during a pandemic— and especially during a pandemic—teens can be at the forefront making change.
How to connect
Join us in our civic engagement efforts emailing with civic engagement in the subject line. Stay up to date with the Religious Action Center of the URJ.