Early Elementary Religious School
Early Elementary Religious School
Our Pre K- Second grade program meets up at the Lerner school from 9:35-12:00 on Sunday mornings. A typical day begins with a Mitzvah circle. It includes storytelling, arts and crafts, generally connected to the Jewish holidays, recess with challah and juice for snack, and a T’filah, prayer service, from 11:30-12:00 to end the day. Our first and second grade classes use the Chai curriculum which focuses on three pillars of Jewish learning: Torah, Avodah, and G’milut Chasadim. Babysitting is available for families with children in the Merkaz Limud, the religious school, who have a 12:30 dismissal.
Click Here for 2024/25 School Calendar!
The yearly cost for this program is $684.
Curriculum Overview for Early Elementary Religious School
I am a part of the ongoing story of the Jewish people.
Do you have questions about our Religious School Program? Please email Michelle Crosbie, our Youth Education and Family Engagement Director at mcrosbie@judeareform.org or call the office at (919) 489-7062, ext 248.
Sun, October 6 2024
4 Tishrei 5785
Teach students according to their way, and, even when they age, they will not lose what they have learned.
— Proverbs 22:6
Registration for 2024-2025 Religious School opens on July 1, 2024.
To enroll, click here.
If you are new to the area, please contact us and find out how to enroll.
Call the office at (919) 489-7062.
As part of enrollment,you will need to be logged in to you ShulCloud account in order to register. We can help you find out how to get a user name and password, if you need one.