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Social Action

When our ancestors received the Torah at Sinai, they responded in unison: Na’aseh v’Nishma: All this we will do and we will hear. According to Midrash, this show of our faith merits the salvation of the entire world. Judea Reform Congregation is a signatory to the Brit Olam, covenant with the world. The Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism (the RAC), created the Brit Olam to foster congregational work on Tzedek (justice) in addition to the Tzedakah (charity) that many engage in. Read our full story below.


Judea Reform Congregation's Tzedakah Box

All donations made to Judea Reform’s Tzedakah Box will be donated directly to an agency that serves and advocates for social justice. The beneficiary will be announced each month.




We Are Committed To:

  • Fostering a culture of sacred and civil dialogue in our community where all opinions are heard 
  • Acting in solidarity with vulnerable communities 
  • Building relationships across lines of difference in our local community 
  • Acting at the local, state/provincial, and/or federal levels to address the root causes of injustice and advocate for systemic change
  • Mobilizing around issues that resonate with our community


Upcoming Events

SundaySun, 11 AugAugust, 2024

VIRTUAL Social Action Sundays: Knitting Blankets for Project Linus

Sunday, Aug 11th 10:00a to 11:30aJoin us to knit or sew blankets for Project Linus.


SundaySun, 15 SepSeptember, 2024

VIRTUAL Social Action Sundays: Knitting Blankets for Project Linus

Sunday, Sep 15th 10:00a to 11:30aJoin us to knit or sew blankets for Project Linus.


SundaySun, 10 NovNovember, 2024

VIRTUAL Social Action Sundays: Knitting Blankets for Project Linus

Sunday, Nov 10th 10:00a to 11:30aJoin us to knit or sew blankets for Project Linus.


SundaySun, 8 DecDecember, 2024

VIRTUAL Social Action Sundays: Knitting Blankets for Project Linus

Sunday, Dec 8th 10:00a to 11:30aJoin us to knit or sew blankets for Project Linus.


SundaySun, 12 JanJanuary, 2025

VIRTUAL Social Action Sundays: Knitting Blankets for Project Linus

Sunday, Jan 12th 10:00a to 11:30aJoin us to knit or sew blankets for Project Linus.


SundaySun, 9 FebFebruary, 2025

VIRTUAL Social Action Sundays: Knitting Blankets for Project Linus

Sunday, Feb 9th 10:00a to 11:30aJoin us to knit or sew blankets for Project Linus.


SundaySun, 9 MarMarch, 2025

VIRTUAL Social Action Sundays: Knitting Blankets for Project Linus

Sunday, Mar 9th 10:00a to 11:30aJoin us to knit or sew blankets for Project Linus.


SundaySun, 6 AprApril, 2025

VIRTUAL Social Action Sundays: Knitting Blankets for Project Linus

Sunday, Apr 6th 10:00a to 11:30aJoin us to knit or sew blankets for Project Linus.


SundaySun, 4 MayMay, 2025

VIRTUAL Social Action Sundays: Knitting Blankets for Project Linus

Sunday, May 4th 10:00a to 11:30aJoin us to knit or sew blankets for Project Linus.


SundaySun, 8 JunJune, 2025

VIRTUAL Social Action Sundays: Knitting Blankets for Project Linus

Sunday, Jun 8th 10:00a to 11:30aJoin us to knit or sew blankets for Project Linus.



Social Action at Judea Reform

At the heart of our social action work is a commitment to bring into practice the core social justice values of Judaism and to pursue tikkun olam — 'repairing the world'— through individual and group action. The Social Action Committee offers projects in two important areas: Tzedakah, emergency relief for the most needy members of our community, and Tzedek, social advocacy projects which address root causes of injustice, inequality and environmental distress.

We are guided by the principles of Reform Judaism, the expertise of the Religious Action Center for Reform Judaism, and the URJ's Commission on Social Action. We also work to build relationships with other faith communities in support of our common desire to create a more peaceful, more just world. The Social Action Committee welcomes new members and invites you to share ideas, know-how, and experiences to help us deepen and broaden our social justice work.

Judea Reform participates in a variety of ongoing social action projects; and, just about every month, you can find organized groups working toward this important part of Judaism. So take a look at the possibilities, and then check our calendar for times when you can find other people working to repair the world. Alone or together, every hand can help.

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784