Our Committees
Our Committees
Judea Reform's committees support the congregation in a variety of ways, from administrative work to hands-on help to fundraising to program development. Some of our committees have their own web pages, so some of the headings for each section will be links to those pages, offering even more information about their events and projects.
Adult Education
The Adult Education Committee’s mission is to foster the Jewish education of adults in our congregation. The committee organizes a variety of learning opportunities, among them: speaker series, extended courses, and study groups, led by clergy, visiting lecturers, and lay members. We have a deep interest in welcoming learners to our offerings not only for educational enrichment but also to create a sense of community. Questions? Contact the committee at jlampley@judeareform.org.
Building and Grounds
Working closely with the Building Manager, the Building and Grounds Committee determines the needs of the physical buildings and grounds for ongoing maintenance and repair. They allocate congregational funds for this work in the best and most economical method possible. Questions? Email the committee chair, Max Weinberg at maxw@judeareform.org.
Cemetery Board (Judea Reform Cemetery Board of Directors)
The Mission of the Judea Reform Cemetery Corporation is to operate and maintain a Jewish cemetery as a final resting place of sanctity, peace, and beauty; to provide services for the Judea Reform Congregation members and others in conjunction with burials; and to do all things that the Corporation is permitted to do by law, not inconsistent with maintaining its tax-exempt status. Questions? Visit their page on our site or email the committee at cemetery@judeareform.org
Development Committee
The Development Committee strives to support the Congregation in philanthropic pursuits. Our goal is to supplement the annual operating budget and secure a strong future for Judea Reform through endowment growth and legacy giving. Our committee focuses on and highlights all the best of Judea Reform Congregation celebrating our vibrant community, creating events, and sharing our strengths. Please consider joining our committee in this work. Contact committee chair, Gale Adland at galea@judeareform.org.
Youth, Education, and Family Engagement
Support the engagement of children (0-18) and their families in the congregation. Methods include organizing initiatives geared toward different age children and their families, communicating the needs and preferences of families to other committees, supporting family participation in community-wide worship, social action and social activities. Questions? Email the committee chair, Kersten Jacobson Biehn at kerstenb@judeareform.org.
Religious Practices Committee
The mission of the Religious Practices Committee is to collaborate with the Rabbi, synagogue staff, the Judea Reform Board and committees, and the congregation to ensure that we worship together as a community with spirit and intention. The committee works with the Rabbi on innovative practices that are focused on encouraging congregants to fully participate in the cherished and evolving rituals and practices of our faith. Questions? Email the committee chair, Amy Glass, at amyg@judeareform.org
Women’s Group
To promote friendship and fellowship for the women of Judea Reform within the context of Judaism. Questions? Email the committee chair, Anna Klein, at annaszklein@gmail.com
It is the goal of the Inclusion Committee to embrace a broader set of congregants of all ages and abilities so that they may participate fully in synagogue life. Access, participation, support. Questions? Contact the committee at krish@judeareform.org
Our mission is to attract, welcome, and integrate new members, and help engage all members through multiple avenues. We want to connect people to the synagogue and each other. Questions? Visit their page or contact the committee at membershipcommittee@judeareform.org
Nominating Committee
The role of the Nominating Committee is to identify, qualify and propose the slate of board members to the membership of Judea Reform Congregation. The Nominating Committee shall also submit a slate of officers for election at the annual meeting of the congregation. Questions? Contact Vice President Eric Muller at emuller@judeareform.org.
Social Action Committee
The Social Action Committee offers projects in two important areas: Tzedakah, emergency relief for the neediest members of our community, and Tzedek, social advocacy projects which address root causes of injustice, inequality and environmental distress.
We are guided by the principles of Reform Judaism, the expertise of the Religious Action Center for Reform Judaism, and the URJ's Commission on Social Action. We also work to build relationships with other faith communities in support of our common desire to create a more peaceful, more just world. The Social Action Committee welcomes new members and invites you to share ideas, know-how, and experiences to help us deepen and broaden our social justice work. Questions? Visit their page or email them at socialaction@judeareform.org
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee is responsible for monitoring the organization’s overall financial health. Its core duties include overseeing budgeting and financial planning, safeguarding the organization’s assets and reviewing its insurance coverage, reviewing and proposing internal controls and fiscal policies, anticipating financial problems, and ensuring that the Board of Trustees receives accurate and timely financial reports. Questions? Contact Treasurer Karen O'Mansky at kareno@judeareform.org.
Investment Committee
The Committee shall develop and execute, subject to Board approval, an investment program of all funds that considers risk, rates of return, liquidity, and maturities of investments to meet Congregation cash flow needs.
Caring Community
The mission of the Caring Community Committee is to nurture Judea Reform members at times of birth/adoption, illness and grief by responding with kindness and care to their health and healing needs. Questions? Visit their page or email the committee at caringcommunity@judeareform.org
Israel Discourse Advisory Committee
From 2017 to 2020, Judea Reform Congregation's Board of Trustees established an ad hoc Israel Discourse Advisory Committee (IDAC) to interpret and assess the Congregation’s Israel Discourse Policy, a model of discourse around Israel and Palestine. To learn more about the work performed by this ad hoc committee visit the Israel Discourse page.
Mon, January 20 2025
20 Tevet 5785
Youth & Family
Judea Reform Congregation
1933 W. Cornwallis Road
Durham, NC 27705
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