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JRC Religious School 2024/25 (5785)

Our Director of Youth Education & Family Engagement, Michelle Crosbie and our incredible JRC religious school faculty have been working hard to prepare for next fall. We look forward to another year together, learning, growing, and exploring our Jewish lives.

Click Here for 2024/25 School Calendar!



Program Early Bird: July 1 to August 15 After August 15 
Gesher, for 2 & 3 year olds with their parents $76 $79
Pre-K through 2nd Grade $655 $684
3rd Grade through 6th Grade $825 $866
Darchei Mitzvah for 7th Grade $698 $730


Registration starts July 1, 2024. CLICK HERE TO ENROLL



We want every student in our congregation to feel welcomed and valued. We believe every student should have access to a Jewish education in our school.  Please don’t let finances be a barrier to your participation.  We have religious school scholarship funds available through a generous gift from the Melvin & Zora Rashkis Charitable Trust. Priority for scholarships will be given to families who apply by August 15. To apply for tuition scholarships, APPLY HERE

A Taste of Last Year at Religious School

Our Director's Welcome Letter for 2024-25

 I have always loved and appreciated the academic cycle. An academic year begins and ends. When it ends, there is a beautiful time and space for reflection. What do we want to continue or discontinue, change, introduce … ?  Every excellent teacher I have ever known has already begun dreaming and planning for the next year as the bell sounds to end the present one.

And so I find myself now thinking and reflecting about the year that has just ended while eagerly planning and imagining the year to come.

Our 2023/2024 - 5784- academic year was a joyful one at JRC. As a second year director, I was on much firmer ground than the year before. Our school expanded to 221 students. We celebrated many of the events that have become part of our program: Pizza in the Hut, Simchat Torah, Consecration, the Pancake breakfast with an Inclusion panel discussion, the Purim carnival, and all of our grade-level dinners. We also added some new special programs: A High Holiday experiential fair, Bi-Monthly walks for parents to get to know one another, The Genizah, a seventh grade lock-in, special Holocaust programming for our 5th and 6th graders, and a frank conversation about Israel with our Shlicha, Liron, for our Darchei Mitzvah class. As we did the year before, we ended with an exuberant all-school assembly during which we celebrated in community and witnessed some of the creative learning and inquiry in which each class engaged (before eating Locopops, of course!)

We offered five learning opportunities on Saturdays and Sundays for our post- BMitzvah teens, and we reintroduced a combined Kabbalat Torah/Interfaith learning class that allowed our tenth graders to visit and converse with other faith communities. We worked with a local group to register and educate our eligible teens to vote. We took a group of students to Washington D.C. for the L’taken program, and we watched them advocate for issues close to their hearts in front of our North Carolina representatives. In short, we began to create a culture wherein involvement for our young congregants does not end with the B Mitzvah.

The religious school committee and I read through feedback from our parent survey and have discussed ways in which to make our program more impactful, more experiential, and more engaging for our kids. Two wonderful additions to our program next year include the occasional use of the amphitheater for our T’filah services and our new assistant rabbi, Rabbi Hannah Bender, who will be very involved in our program.

Be assured that JRC’s devoted teachers and I are engaged in the work of dreaming and planning for next year. We look forward to sharing it with all of you.


Important Information About Religious School

Here's what you need to know for the 2024/25 (5785) school year.


Religious School enrollment will start on July 1, 2024.  Please enroll your child(ren) as soon as you are able and no later than August. Knowing whom and how many students we can expect to welcome at school allows us to more easily and accurately plan for teachers, adequate instructional support systems, supplies, and curricular materials.  Thank you for partnering with us so that we can be successful in achieving these aims.

To qualify for our Early Bird savings, register by August 15, 2024

To enroll, return here for a link that will be active on July 1, 2024.


The first day of school is September 8, 2024.  We will start the morning with an assembly in the sanctuary from 9:30-10:30 a.m.  Please plan to join us.  At the end of the assembly, students will go with their teachers and madrichim (teenage teaching assistants) to their classrooms.  There will be a Meet & Greet Coffee for all parents, in the Levin Social Hall, after opening assembly.  


  • 2-and-3-Year-Old Gesher (Bridge) Parent-Child Class, meets on Sundays, 9:30 to 11 am.
  • Pre-K- 2nd Grade, Sundays, 9:30 am to 12:00 pm
  • 3rd – 6th Grade, Sundays, 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM
  • 7th Grade's Darchei Mitzvah (Paths of Commandment) Program, Saturdays 9:30 - 10:55 AM. When there is a worship service that follows, students also attend the service. 

Living Jewishly: Worship & Tzedakah

T’FILAH (Worship)

We believe that praying together is an important part of what we do on Sunday mornings. In our school worship services, students pray together, practice the liturgy they'll lead in their B'Mitzvah ceremonies, and connect as a spiritual community. Parents are encouraged to join us. Stay tuned for this year's schedule.


First graders to Seventh graders will have one school sponsored grade level Shabbat or holiday dinner during the school year.  This is an opportunity to see Friday night Shabbat rituals in action and to celebrate with your child’s classmates and their families. During the Shabbat service, students will be called to the bimah to sing a song or lead a prayer that they have learned in Religious School. Our youngest students and their families will have a similar community-building celebration during the religious school day.

Check the Religious School Calendar for the date of your grade-level dinner.


The giving of tzedakah (literally meaning justice or righteousness, commonly translated as charity) is an important value and practice in our school and community.  Tzedakah will be collected in every class on Saturday and Sunday mornings. We will contribute Tzedakah to a local charity in the first semester and a global Jewish charity in the second semester.  Giving tzedakah in any amount is a mitzvah.  Most students bring $1.00 - $5.00 to class each session. 


Attending services is a great way to deepen Jewish literacy. It also offers students an opportunity to practice Hebrew and prayer skills outside of the classroom. Students who attend services regularly feel more at home in the synagogue, which helps ease the B'Mitzvah journey. And most especially, they share in our community's Shabbat joy.

For Parents and Guardians


Our parent lounge in the Merkaz Limud (Education Center) is a great place to catch up with old friends and meet new ones, read a newspaper, play games, and use our Wi-Fi network while school is in session. Please feel free to come every week or drop in occasionally. You can find the lounge by turning left off the lobby and entering the second door on your left.


We hope that parents/guardians will volunteer in the school at least two hours during the year. The school belongs to you and your child(ren), and we need you to make it work well. We have many ways to do this, including:  assisting at events and programs, setting up for grade level Shabbat dinners, helping with clerical work, and substitute teaching. Volunteering is a wonderful way to spend time with friends, meet new people, become more connected to the temple, role-model involvement for your child(ren), and lend a much needed hand to a very small Religious School staff.

If you're interested in volunteering, contact Michelle at

Upcoming School and Worship Events

All Events


Wed, September 11 2024 8 Elul 5784